Something Suspicious Part-4






She wanted to share with Sid but she could because Sid was out of the town. When Sid returned, they decided to go on the date. Sid came to Tani’s home to pick her. She was looking very beautiful. She had worn white T-shirt, Blue denim jacket and White skirt. She was looking very beautiful. Sid was looking her like he had seen her for the first time. She sat in the car and hugged Sid tightly. Her fingers were around the Sid's neck. She had worn two silver rings in her fingers. Sid felt something was hurting him very much on neck he understood it was silver but he tried to be calm so that Tani could not knew about his pain. Sid gave slight push and they got a parted and went to the date place. Tani saw Sid’s neck and it was little bit burnt. She asked Sid about that but He kept ignoring. They spent very good time with each other, had dinner and came back to the home. Tani gave goodbye hug to Sid and her eyes went on his neck and the there was no sign of burnt part. She was surprised but she did not ask Sid about that.

Now when she reached to home she turned on the laptop and started searching something on internet and her expression started changing. She was getting more shocks and shocks with every search and form nowhere Kartik entered to the room. He saw Tani’s laptop and asked why she was searching about. Tani told him about whole incident part and Sid’s burnt neck. Kartik heard everything with very calm but some kind of fear came on his face. Kartik asked Tani to stop searching about all this things and got out the room.  Immediately He called Sid and told that Tani had got some idea about his secret so he had to be more careful. Sid was getting angry on himself by knowing that how could he did this, how could he reviled his secret to anyone, how could he be so irresponsible. Next day he went to Kartik's home to pick up Tani. He had purchased a silver earrings for her. He gifted that earrings to Tani. Tani saw that it was silver and Sid was touching it without hurting. Then she thought that she was over thinking last night.Sid read her mind and felt safe.

In the college Sid told all to Kartik and both were relieved .

But there was some doubt in the mind of Tani that Sid was not that person who brought her to the hospital then who was that person. Tani started going to that distanced place every day and started researching personally without telling Sid and Kartik. She got nothing. On a daily basis secretly someone was watching her and that person was not Sid. Suddenly one day one boy came across to Tani on that place. He was also very much afraid and he was also like he saw someone running very fast here and there, have you seen that? Now Tani realized that there was something there. The name of that boy was Aryan. They started talking to each other. Next day Kartik had football match and he was going for its preparation and his stopped on that empty road so he had to stop for finding mechanic. He offered tickets to Tani of Tomorrow's match. Tani took it and they left the place in Tani's car. Tani told all to Sid at night. Sid got angry on her as she was hiding her visits to that place. Sid started thinking about that Aryan and decided to go to watch the match with Tani.

Next day they went to the stadium to watch the match. Aryan was in the black team and he  was Goalkeeper. Tani asked Sid to see the Goalkeeper Aryan. Sid saw him and a strange expression came on his face and He said Aryan Shekhawat. Tani was shocked after hearing Aryan’s full name because she had no idea how Sid knew him. She asked him that how he knew him?? Sid told her that his father was very successful business tycoon of India Mr. Abhimanyu Shekhawat. No one knew from where they came but within 10 years they became so rich and came in the top 10 richest Perosns. Now focus on match. Aryan was one of the best goalkeeper in the town and he saved all the chances of goals. They won the match with 4-0 score. Aryan was the captain of his team and he picked up the trophy and his one glimpse on Tani and he smiled to her and he saw Sid beside her and all his happiness went somewhere. 


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